Hello, I’m Alex a M1 student. This is a report on the poster presentation of M1 held on February 2nd. [Flash Talk Session] Okutsu-kun and Shimizu-kun made a good presentation! While Alex made a presentation without checking the status
First Prize at Japanese Essay Contest
Emmanuel won one of the two first prizes* at an international essay contest held by the Institute of International Exchange in Tokyo. The awarding ceremony took place on April 24th, 2019 at the Tokyo head office of Asahi shimbun.
人工知能学会 先進的学習科学と工学研究会にて 2018 年 11 月 22 日に発表した以下の論文が特に優秀かつ将来性のあるものと認められ,アイエドゥン・エマヌエル君が 2018 年度 人工知能学会 先進的学習科学と工学研究会(ALST)若手奨励賞(*)を受賞しました. 受賞論文:Emmanuel Ayedoun, Yuki Hayashi, Kazuhisa Seta: Learners’ Preferences of Conversational Strategies and L2 WTC Outcomes in Using a Dialogue Agent, 人工知能学会 第84回 先進的学習科学と工学研究会, SIG-ALST B802-01, pp.1-8, (2018年11月22日発表) *若手研究者による研究のうち,特に優秀かつ将来性のあるものを選び,その若手研究者を表彰するものです.
Sakura Science’s laboratory tour
Long time no see. It is Kinugawa. We came close to the end of August, and days are less warmer. Well today as a part of Sakura Science’s laboratory tour, a total of 12 TNI students and professors, people visited
Publication in IJAIED
Our following paper got published in the prestigious International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Ayedoun, E., Hayashi, Y. & Seta, K.: Adding Communicative and Affective Strategies to an Embodied Conversational Agent to Enhance Second Language Learners’ Willingness to Communicate,